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This is a great website for students to gain information. Rather than just focusing on benefits that wind turbines provide, it provides background information  on wind turbines such as the size, the types, and the history. It also provides engaging videos and photos for students to look through. It also has the benefit of being adapted to print text so students who prefer to take notes on paper could print out a copy. This is a reliable website! It is government based, backed with factual information, and provides references on where the information came from. 


The support for the organization :

This website is awesome because it provides sectioned texts about types of turbines, how they benefit you, how they are developed, etc. This provides a lot of great information about turbines with detailed diagrams, captions, and links to other pages.  This is a reliable website, backed by professional companies, updated news and events pages, and is the product of the U. S Department of Energy. The information is cited, the photos are provided with credit, and it shows the updates on when the website was last adapted.


The support for it:

This website is a company that creates and sells wind turbines. This site was chosen for the assignment because students have to be able to detect that websites may have a hidden agenda. To an inexperienced eye, this site is full of information and appears reliable. However, if you look deeper the author is showboating their product. This is a great website to add to the exercise because students have to consider the websites motive or purpose for the site.   


The support for it:

Here are the Pro websites to choose from.



Here are the Pro Websites

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