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Part One- Author’s Purpose








If a site is persuading you there may be some facts but it is only stating one side.

If a site is informing you they are just giving you facts, but you have to be careful if the information is true.

If a site is entertaining you there may be hidden information but not a significant amount. 





What is the purpose of this site?             Persuade                  Inform            Entertain

Explain how you know.


Part Two- URL Check




.edu – is a scholarly source

.gov – is the government

.mil- is the military

.com – is a commercial group

.net- is a network provider

.org- is a non-profit group

.int- is a global group




Circle which URL your website ends in.

Explain why or why not this URL is a trusting site.



Part Three- Website Content Evaluation

No= 0                                              Yes= 1

Website Checklist

Is there an author?

Look for a name or organization. Can you look that author up? Can you trust them?


Is the format of the website correct?

Check for grammar and spelling mistakes.


Was is updated recently?

Look for the website date. Do you think the information is new?


Does the author share BOTH sides?

Check to see if it is bias.


Does everything on the site work?

Check the hyperlinks, are they appropriate ?



Part Four- Conclude with Common Sense

After you evaluated the website think about whether or not you trust the site. What does your gut tell you? Can you use this site for your assignment? Why or why not? You may be able to use some parts of the site but not all. Make sure explain that in your response.


Yes    No


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